Homeschool Assistance Program
The Linn-Mar Home School Assistance Program provides each family in the program with a supervising teacher who is licensed by the state of Iowa.
The supervising teacher will consult with and advise the parent, guardian, or legal custodian with respect to the following: lesson plans, textbook and supplementary materials, setting educational goals and objectives, teaching and learning techniques, forms of assessment and evaluation of student learning, diagnosing student strengths and weaknesses, interpretation of test results, planning, recordkeeping, and other duties as requested or agreed upon.
LMHSAP parent, guardian, or legal custodian and their student(s) must have 16 contacts with the supervising teacher throughout the school year with 8 of the contacts being face-to-face. The other 8 contacts are acquired through a phone conversation, a letter or email, or other contacts including face-to-face visits with the parent alone.
The LMHSAP offers student Activities, Field Trips, Enrichment Classes, Resource library materials, access to Public School Resources, and District and Grant Wood AEA Services. The activities are optional but can take the place of one of the face-to-face visits each quarter for the students who participate.
If you would like to enroll your child in the LMHSAP, have questions about our program, or would like information or clarification about other Home School options, please contact Angela Pfeil, Teacher/Facilitator, at 319-730-3626 or email her at the link below.
Parents: The following information is required in accordance with Iowa Code section 299.4.
Please complete Home Form A for the current school year.
The Homeschool Assistance Program is housed at Hazel Point Intermediate.
Address: 453 Echo Hill Road, Marion, IA 52302
Fax: (319) 200-1610
Grades: K-12
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Angela Pfeil, Homeschool Assistance Program (HSAP) Facilitator and Teacher 319-730-3626 / Email Angela
Heather Kosikas, Curriculum and Homeschool Secretary319-447-3015, Email Heather
Kathryn Church / Olivia Smith / Rebekah Pfeil, Homeschool Assistance Program (HSAP) Teachers 319-730-3626
Mark Hutcheson, Director of High School Teaching and Learning, Homeschool Administrator 319-447-3236 / Email Mark
Click here to visit the Iowa Department of Education website for additional information