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Westfield  Elementary

School History

On July 1, 1998, 15 acres of land on East Robins Road was purchased from Butschi Real Estate Company for $150,000. The site, at the edge of the town of Robins, was considered a prime location for a new elementary school.  Robins was rapidly becoming one of the fastest-growing communities in the state.

Since the location was near the western edge of the school district, the name Westfield was chosen, and the district’s fifth elementary was constructed.

Westfield opened in 1999 with 403 students under the leadership of Principal Jim Brust and a staff of 53.

In 2016, to meet the needs of a growing district, six classrooms were added to the northwest corner of the building.

  • 1999 – Westfield constructed and opened
  • 2016 – Classroom addition
  • 2017 – Parking lot renovation

Today, Principal Scott Fillner and a staff of 60 are dedicated to the education of their students and to providing a positive learning experience to more than 425 students.