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Novak  Elementary


novak building401 29th Avenue
Marion IA 52302

School Hours: 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM
Main Office:
(319) 447-3300
Attendance Office: (319) 447-3303
Fax: (319) 373-9144

Grades: JrK/K thru 4th
Enrollment: 369 As of Sept. 30, 2022


Name/Email Title Phone
Sara Hovden Principal (319) 447-3301
Laura Whitson School Facilitator (319) 447-3325
Meredith Johnson Building Secretary (319) 447-3300
Cristina Southwood School Counselor (319) 447-3308
Jill Lantermans Counselor’s Secretary (319) 447-3303
Jenna Fenske Student Assistance Specialist (319) 447-3337
Candy Lentner Health Assistant (319) 447-3304
Abbi Riniker School Nurse (319) 447-3304

Early Dismissals at 12:45 pm:  Thurs., Nov. 7, Thurs., Nov. 14 & Thurs. Nov. 21.                                                    Elementary conferences are Nov. 14 & 21 from 1:00-7:00 pm.

Before/After School Care

Hand in Hand, Inc
(319) 377-5686