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Linn-Mar  High School


Linn-Mar Prom 2025

PROM INFORMATION – SENIOR PROM is Saturday, May 17th, 2025. Prom is for all Linn-Mar HS seniors and their dates.*

This year’s theme is Golden Forest

Prom will start at 8:00 PM and end at 10:00 PM on May 17th at the Epic Event Center off of County Home Road. The Grand March of all students and their dates will begin in the Linn-Mar High School Auditorium at 4:00 PM. Post Prom will begin at 10:30 PM at the ImOn Ice Arena in Cedar Rapids.

Prom Ticket Information:

Prom tickets will be on sale in the South Commons from 8:15 AM – 8:55 AM from Monday, May 12th through Friday, May 16th. All fines must be paid, and all time made up in order to attend prom/purchase tickets. Any student who still owes fines and/or time will not be allowed to purchase tickets until these obligations are taken care of. PROM ticket prices are $25.00 per person or $50.00 per couple. Tickets must be purchased prior to the dance. TICKETS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE AT THE EPIC EVENT CENTER.

Grand March Information:

Spectator Grand March tickets are $5.00 each at the door. (cash only) Ticket sales will begin at 3:15 PM that afternoon.

Students – Grand March tickets are NOT needed to participate in Grand March, they are only for those parents/family members/friends who wish to WATCH the Grand March. Students are asked to sign up for Grand March ahead of time so that we can review names for pronunciation and to gather general numbers attending.

Both students and parents/family members/friends are asked to enter Door #3. (North Entrance). Students must proceed to the Little Theatre to check-in. When it is your time, you will walk out when your name is called, pause under the arch so your parents/family/friends can take your picture and then exit the stage, down the stairs and out the auditorium via the marked path.

Doors will not be opened for parents until 3:15 PM. There will be no admittance to the auditorium after the Grand March starts at 4:00 PM out of respect for the couples being introduced.

Picture Information:

Read Photography will be in Pride Rock between 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM to take Prom pictures. Packages range in price from $15 (2 5x7s) – $35 (2 8x10s, 2 5x7s, 24 wallets). There is a $20 (2 5x7s, 8 wallets), $25 (2 5x7s, 16 wallets) and $30 (4 5x7s,16 wallets) package as well, along with package add –ons for extra 8×10’s, 5×7’s and wallets.

Dance Information:

There will be only one entrance into the Epic Event Center. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR SCHOOL ID AND PROM TICKET! You will not be admitted without an ID/ticket. You will be sent home, so please don’t forget!!!! Again, tickets will NOT be available to purchase at the Epic Event Center.

Dance Parking Information:

Please park in the parking lot or along the drive at the Epic Event Center. Parking attendants will be available if you are not sure where to park. ABSOLUTELY NO PARKING ALONG COUNTY HOME ROAD. For more information on the venue please visit the Epic Event Center website.

Dance Guest Information:

Any senior bringing a guest that does not attend Linn-Mar, MUST pick up a date request form in the Counseling Office near door 13. Guests must be at least a sophomore in high school or under the age of 21.

Any senior bringing a Linn-Mar sophomore or junior, MUST sign them up in the Counseling Office.

All date request forms must be been filled out and returned to Nicole Kuennen in the Counseling office by Wednesday, May 7th.