Students are identified for participation in the Linn-Mar TAG/LEO program based on their high potential in the areas of academic achievement and ability. Students are formally screened in grades 3 through 8. All students are evaluated for participation in LEO Challenge in grades 4-6. All students are re-evaluated for participation in the middle school TAG class for grades 7 and 8. All students are re-evaluated one last time for participation in the high school TAG program in grades 9-12.
For students new to the district, cumulative records will be evaluated as needed. For students that have participated in gifted programming in their former district should indicated this on their student intake forms.
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
Classroom teachers and the LEO teacher complete an observation inventory which focuses on thinking skills. These inventory responses are cumulative for each student from all three grades.
3rd Grade – 6th Grade
Students are identified for LEO program options based on results of the FAST Reading and Math assessments, Iowa State wide Assessments of Student Progress (ISASP), NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP), and Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAt,) as available by grade level.
7th Grade – 8th Grade
Students are screened each year for TAG placement based on Cognitive Abilities Tests (CogAT,) Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP,) and Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP) test information.
9th Grade – 12th Grade
All 8th grade students will be screened for the High School TAG program based on NWEA MAP and ISASP test information.