Talented & Gifted Program
The Linn-Mar Talented and Gifted Program provides services to meet the academic and social emotional needs of students who have been identified through a multi-step process. LEO (Learning Enrichment Opportunities) offers a variety of enrichment options to students in grades K-6. In grades 7-12, differentiated academic courses are available to meet the learning needs of gifted students.
Program Goals and Philosophy
The Linn Mar Community School District believes every human being possesses unique abilities, talents, and needs that may require an appropriately differentiated program. The LEO and TAG programs will facilitate, provide, and support programming for the gifted and talented students in our schools. Programming includes opportunities and options differing from and/or complementing the regular curriculum in breadth, depth, pace, or in the type of experience offered.
- We believe gifted and talented learners require a qualitatively different program that takes into consideration individual learning styles and special abilities.
- We believe gifted and talented learners have specific social and emotional needs, which should be addressed through programming.
- We believe programs and services for gifted students demonstrating advanced academic ability and achievement are an integral part of their education. Such a program will enhance self-esteem as students develop skills in independent study, research, analysis, creative and critical thinking, and will encourage lifelong learning.
- We believe gifted and talented learners need opportunities to collaborate and learn with intellectual peers.
- We believe it is important to provide a supportive environment allowing and encouraging gifted and talented learners to realize their potential is a responsibility shared among school personnel and families.
- We believe identification for the LEO and TAG programs must be an ongoing and systematic process as gifts and talents are dynamic and are developed over time.
Contact Information
Brenda Bauermeister – Elementary/Intermediate Coordinator
(319) 447-3396 / Email
Amanda Hajek – Middle School/High School Coordinator
(319) 447-3119 / Email
Kristin Biedermann – TAG Secretary
(319) 447-3117 / Email
Online Resources for Parents and Students
- Hoagies’ Gifted Education Resources
- Iowa College Student Aid : College prep websites
- Iowa Talented and Gifted Organization
- National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
- Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa – offers programs at differing times of the year for gifted and talented learners. We offer this link for information only.
- College Information for High School Students and Parents
Other Academic Activities- Middle School
- MATHCOUNTS is a national problem solving competition in which Linn-Mar has been highly successful.
Other extra-curricular activities may be offered as student need arises. In the past, Quiz Bowl, Mock Trial, Chess Club, Creative Writers Club, Book Club and FIRST Lego League are some programs in which students have chosen to participate. Opportunities may differ between the two middle schools, and many are open to all students. Check with the middle school TAG teachers and school counselors for more information.