Co/Extra Curricular Activities
Students at Linn-Mar Community Schools participate in a wide variety of extracurricular activities, including:
- Interscholastic and intramural athletic programs
- Service and school government clubs
- Music, art, speech and drama organizations
- Academic and vocational clubs
Involvement in these activities usually occurs outside the normal school day. They are totally voluntary and students do not receive grades for their participation. Research indicates that students who are involved in extracurricular activities have fewer discipline problems, get better grades, have better attendance and a higher completion rate.
There are many activities available for Middle School students at Linn-Mar Community Schools.
Programs include:
- Basketball boys/girls
- Football
- Volleyball
- Soccer boys/girls
- Tennis boys/girls
- Cross Country boys/girls
- Track boys/girls
- Wrestling
- Orchestra
- Show Choir
- Band
- Jazz Band
- Yearbook Club
- Drama Club
- Writer’s Club
- Geography Bee
- Math Counts
- Sixth grade intramural clubs
- Lego League
- Linn-Mar Television (LMTV)
Nearly eighty five percent of Linn-Mar High School students are involved in activities and clubs.
Programs include:
- Baseball
- Basketball boys/girls
- Bowling boys/girls
- Cheerleading
- Cross Country boys/girls
- Esports club
- Football
- Golf boys/girls
- Soccer boys/girls
- Softball
- Swimming boys/girls
- Tennis boys/girls
- Track boys/girls
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
- Band
- Jazz Band
- Orchestra
- Vocal Music
- Show Choir
- Contest Speech
- Thespians
- Theatre Techies
- Poms
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
- Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
- National Honor Society (NHS)
- Students OK Without Drugs and Alcohol (SODA)
- Teens Reaching Youth (TRY)
- Student newspaper “Linn-Mar Life”
- LM Buddies
- STOP While Driving (Text messaging prevention)
- Model United Nations
- Key Club
- Robotics Team
- Open Minds Writer’s Club
- Accountability Leadership Opportunity (ALO)
- Intramural Activities
- Student Ambassadors
- Yearbook
- Technology Club
- Voice/Students International
- Math Team
- Student Council
- Linn-Mar TV (LMTV)
- Chess Club
- LM Democrats
- Support the Troops
- LM Republicans
- Anime Club
- Rugby Club
- Spectrum
- Spanish Club
- French Club
- Visual Art Club
- Science Club
- Science Olympiad