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Student Committee Meets to Name Linn-Mar Buildings

A committee of Linn-Mar High School students began work to rename the former Learning Resource Center (LRC) and to name the district’s new administration building. The committee convened on Wednesday, September 4th to start the process, which will include student and community input.

The students will use the same naming parameters for this project as were established by the Linn-Mar Board of Directors for the naming of Hazel Point and Boulder Peak Intermediate. These parameters stipulate that names must not be those of individuals, directional, or animal-related. Additionally, names should avoid initials or shortened versions with alternative meanings and must reflect the community and represent Linn-Mar excellence while being culturally sensitive.

The student committee developed a plan of action during the meeting. The process for collecting potential names will involve collecting ideas on a Name Submission Form .

Students will be promoting the form through various channels, including LMTV, the school’s television and news channel, through the district’s social media channels, and using flyers with a QR code placed around the buildings.

Name submissions will be due Friday, September 20th. After this period, the committee will reconvene to review and narrow down the submissions, ultimately selecting names for the two buildings and making recommendations for the Linn-Mar Board of Directors’ approval.

Students and community members are encouraged to contribute their ideas by filling out the online form. A QR code linked to the form is available on flyers posted throughout the high school.

Did you know that the LRC was formerly named Main Elementary and Novak Elementary? Read more about the history of Linn-Mar Community School District here.