School Board Recognition Month
At its April 24th Board Meeting, Linn-Mar Superintendent Shannon Bisgard read a proclamation in honor of School Board Recognition Month.
Whereas, the Iowa Association of School Boards has designated the month of May as School Board Recognition Month in recognition of the dedicated service of all Iowa school board members in Developing Iowa’s Future Together; and
Whereas, the publicly elected members of the Linn-Mar Community School District Board of Directors play an important role in the decisions that directly influence the education of all Linn-Mar students, and
Whereas, the decisions made by the Linn-Mar Board of Directors have a direct impact on the lives of the students as they move forward into society as successful learners and individuals, and
Whereas, school board members work with students, staff, parents, educational professionals, and lawmakers to create and reach the educational vision of the district to Inspire Learning…Unlock Potential…Empower Achievement, therefore be it
Proclaimed, that the Linn-Mar Community School District recognizes the contributions of the school board to the academic success of all students and offers a sincere thank you to each board member for their dedication to the wellbeing and achievement of the students; and be it finally
Proclaimed, that as Superintendent of the Linn-Mar Community School District, I declare May 2023 as School Board Appreciation Month and encourage all students, staff, and community members to recognize the devotion and service of the Linn-Mar Board of Directors
Shannon Bisgard, Linn-Mar Superintendent