P.R.I.D.E. of Linn-Mar Class of 2024
The P.R.I.D.E. of Linn-Mar is a nominated group of Seniors chosen for their Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Empathy.
This Linn-Mar tradition began in the spring of 2021 as a way to celebrate students from the senior class in a way other than the traditional Homecoming court. Each year seniors are nominated for PRIDE recognition by their other Linn-Mar juniors and seniors. The nominator includes a few sentences about their fellow students and how they embody PRIDE characteristics, and a committee of students and staff select winners from the nominations.
Below are the 2024 Linn-Mar PRIDE award winners. Please join us in congratulating these students.
Isaac Brown
The two most important activities Isaac has been involved in are varsity football and the career and technical education committee. Football is important to Isaac because he learned a lot of valuable life lessons and leadership skills and the CTE board is important because it gave him an opportunity to express his input as a student on topics related to his favorite area of the curriculum. Issac’s favorite memory is getting to help other students using his knowledge and skills in the metal shop and other engineering-related classes.
His advice to younger students: “Let your ambitions guide your choices rather than sticking with the pack. Explore areas of study you didn’t think would be interesting.”
Next year Isaac will be attending the University of Northern Iowa for manufacturing engineering technology, in which he will be studying metal processing and manufacturing practices.
Logan Burkett
Logan’s most important activities during High School include Contest Speech and Linn-Mar Theatre. Both allowed him to follow his passion of acting and creativity through storytelling. He was also fortunate to meet so many amazing people in these activities.
His favorite memory was going on an overnight trip for contest speech. “I got to hang out with all my friends all day and did it all over again the next day while doing speech, something I love.”
His advice for younger students is to take advantage of the opportunities you are given. Join a club, meet new friends in your classes, take classes you are unsure of. Visit the unknown with the mindset of opportunity.
Logan plans to attend Kirkwood and transfer to UNI as a Theater major.
Tessa Casebolt
Volleyball, basketball, and soccer are the most important activities to Tessa because she has formed strong relationships and connections with her teammates and coaches. Athletics have played a significant role in shaping Tessa into the person she is today. Tessa’s favorite memory is going to state with her soccer team during her junior season.
Her advice to younger students: “Take advantage of the time you have in high school, because these four years will fly by.”
Tessa will likely attend Coe College and play volleyball and major in kinesiology.
Brecken Cassady
Brecken’s most important activity he’s been involved in throughout high school has been working with special ed students. Brecken has been known to buy items for students when he knows it’s something they are interested in and would enjoy. He’s always looking out for students, spending time with them when he has a free period, eating lunch with them everyday and genuinely showing that he cares about all of our special ed students.
His favorite memories at Linn-Mar are the connections he’s made joining the special Ed classrooms.
His advice for younger students is to remember even though it may seem tough now, school can be a lot of fun!
Brecken’s plan after high school is to be one of the para’s here at Linn-Mar!
Caleb Castellano
Caleb has been involved in high school football.
He states he has so many great memories that he can’t choose just one.
After high school, Caleb is planning to attend trade school at Kirkwood Community College for plumbing.
Briana Clymer
ALO and wrestling have been the most important activities Briana has been involved in throughout high school. ALO is important because it taught her how to be a leader not only in the school district but also in the community. She helped plan and organize fundraisers, community projects, and fun activities at the school.
Wrestling was also important because it taught Briana to have strong willpower and that she can do anything she puts her mind to. She states, “I left my mark as a women’s wrestler at this school, and I hope many girls can follow my lead on and off the mat.” Briana’s favorite memory from high school is homecoming. She loved dressing up, hanging out and dancing with her friends.
Some advice Briana would give to younger students attending Linn-Mar is to “never give up. There is so much support at this high school and so many teachers that want to see you succeed. Ask for help when you need it because there is a whole line of support behind you.” Briana’s next step after high school is to attend Kirkwood Community College to major in education.
Jaymee Hearn
The most important activities to Jaymee were marching band and Girl Scouts because they have taught her leadership and resulted in some good friends. Jaymee’s favorite memory is the Friday night tailgates with the Linn-Mar lions.
Jaymee’s advice: “Be yourself, be the silly goofy kid that makes people smile!”
Jaymee’s plan after high school is to attend Mount Mercy to pursue digital arts and hopefully one day have a photo studio.
Anastasia Holey
An important activity for Anastasia is being a part of the COMPASS program and Never Dream Less which is a dance program through Christian Life Church. Her favorite memory is sewing prom dresses for students. Her advice to students is to “try. If it is hard- try harder. Life is what you make it.”
Anastasia’s next steps include Career training.
Katrina Ibrahim
Katrina is a part of D&D club. She says, “It’s my favorite extracurricular here, as I get to act as strange and off-putting as I want without having to deal with consequences.”
Katrina has also been a part of LMTV, she states, “I like it because it gives me CORDS hours and allows me to observe the behavior of others my age.”
Her advice: “Have a special place outside your house for you to study, or else you’ll start feeling like you’re in jail while studying. Don’t take anything too seriously, you’ll just kill your soul that way. Life’s a rollercoaster, so make it a wild one. Also, don’t eat the cheeseburgers.”
Katrina plans to either attend the University of Iowa or the University of Montreal.
Eunice Koffi
The activities that were most important to Eunice were ALO and Show Choir. Eunice says that being a part of ALO has taught her how to be a leader by helping her get out of her comfort zone and meet a lot of great people. And Eunice considers Show Choir to be her most important activity because it helped her develop some talents, she never knew she had, and it helped her with her self-esteem and confidence.
One of her favorite memories from high school was junior year prom and after prom because it was one of her most fun nights ever and it was the only night she was allowed to stay out past her curfew.
Her advice to a younger student would be to “take your prerequisites first before taking any class you want to take. And to not choose your dreams based on others, go for what you want and what makes you happy. It is also important to make sure you are taking care of yourself no matter how many homework assignments you have if your body and mind are drained you will not succeed academically. And never say you cannot do something and always strive to try new things. Realize that you are only in high school, and you’re not an adult so focus on having fun in high school.”
Eunice plans to attend the University of Iowa and go into pre-med
Addy Kramer
The two most important things that Addy has been involved with are Show Choir and Mental Health Matters Committee. “Show choir has been a huge part of my life since 6th grade and in high school my love and passion for this activity grew. Through show choir, I’ve met some of my best friends and was taught by some of the best directors.” Mental Health Matters is a committee that Addy joined during her junior year. “It really expanded my knowledge and care for mental health awareness and ending the stigma.” While in this club Addy and her peers started a tradition of a Suicide Prevention Night at one of the home football games. It is their hope that in years to come this event is still held and continues to impact people.
Her favorite memory of high school would have to be when my show choir, 10th Street Edition, traveled to Nashville for Show Choir Nationals during her junior year. “I made some of the best memories while traveling and competing there. We ended up winning and it had finally felt like all our hard work had paid off. When we got home after the competition, we were greeted by 100s of our friends and families, who had gathered to congratulate us and welcome us home.”
My advice would be to get involved and try out new things. You don’t have to be involved in the same activities every single year but the sooner you get involved the sooner you will find your people and your passions. I will be attending Iowa State University and will be studying Graphic Design.
Nattalee Larimore
The most important thing that Nattalee has done while in high school was starting to work as a student associate in a level 3 classroom. Natalie says this experience helped her learn how to become a teacher and this program is helping pay for her college classes.
Another important experience for Nattalee is being able to take the students to after-school activities and watch how their peers accept and interact with them.
One of her most favorite memories from high school is her senior year and especially during homecoming week.
Natalie’s advice to younger students would be to “go into the activities you want to and to always advocate for yourself because you always know what is best.”
Nattalee plans to become a behavioral teacher.
Frances Lausen
The activities that were most important to Frances were Rugby and Student Ambassadors. Frances says that rugby has helped her gain leadership skills and Student Ambassadors have helped her form connections with the students and staff at the high school.
One of her most favorite memories from high school is reflecting upon the connections she has made in her classes.
Frances’ advice to younger students would be to “take Kirkwood classes!”
Frances plans to attend the University of Iowa participate in a pre-physical therapy track and play on the women’s rugby team.
Devasena Manikandan
The most important activities Devasena has been involved in are the Iowa Youth Congress and Math Matters. She says that in the Iowa Youth Congress, she collaborates with other students across the state to advocate for law that promotes help for students. In Math Matters, she volunteers to tutor math to neurodivergent and neurotypical students across the state. She considers these activities to be important because she was able to learn a lot about herself and leave a positive mark on her community.
One of her favorite memories from high school is her first day of high school because she remembers the nerves, but she branched out and joined clubs and made friends that she continues to hold dear for a long time. She has learned a lot about herself and has grown so much. The first day of high school represents the first step in her journey.
Her advice to younger students is to “enjoy being a student and be open to the ability to learn, explore, and find out who you are. And to live life with no regrets.”
Devasena plans to double major in Economics and Data Science and be a pre-law student. She hopes to collaborate with others and positively impact my community.
Aleena Mansoor
Aleena’s favorite activities include ALO and Color Guard. She has enjoyed ALO because the group has helped to make the school a better place for people of all backgrounds. Aleena enjoyed color guard because it got her more involved in the music department and introduced her to some of her best friends.
Aleena’s favorite memory is the Music Department’s trip to Florida.
Her advice to younger students is to “join any and every club you have an interest in.”
After high school, Aleena plans to attend a 4-year university to double major in Political Science and Computer Science.
Graedyn Morrissey
The activities that were most important to Graedyn were track and band. Track motivated him every day and taught him perseverance when he reached his limit while still having a blast, and it had helped him build long-lasting friendships in-season. And over the summer aiding freshmen members with their own transition to high school as a “big brother.” Being a part of Band inspired Graedyn to work passionately on his music and within a group be able to put together a production for others to enjoy.
One of his most favorite memories in high school is summer morning runs and subsequent post-run brunch/golf with the cross-country team.
Graedyn’s advice to younger students is to “find extracurricular(s) that interest you because it will exponentially grow your social circle and give you something to look forward to during the long school day. And it is never too early to start planning for or to visit post-high school options because the whole process comes out of nowhere.”
“The advice I would give younger students at Linn-Mar is to put yourself out there. High school is an exciting time where you grow as a person, don’t be afraid to try new things and discover yourself.”
Graedyn plans to attend the University of Tulsa and to study Computer Engineering with a minor in Cybersecurity.
Luke Mueggenberg
The activities most important to Luke are National Honor Society and Spectrum.
One of Luke’s favorite memories from high school is hanging out in Mrs. Azelborn’s classroom to work on homework when she doesn’t have a class.
Luke’s advice to younger students is: “Your teachers are there to help you succeed, it’s better to ask them for help than to stay lost every time.”
Post Linn-Mar, Luke plans to study Chemistry and/or Civil Engineering at Iowa State University.
Kane Naaktgeboren
The activity most important to Kane was wrestling because it had been a staple of his life since he was young, and it had taught him more than anything. As well as being a part of SODA has taught Kane about “living the right lifestyle and surrounding yourself with the right people.”
One of his favorite memories from high school was his coach, Doug Streicher, putting on Kane’s medal after the state championship and “knowing I was his last match.”
His advice to younger students is to “be you, have fun with life, and always look to improve in whatever you do.”
Kane’s plans after high school are to attend Iowa State University majoring in kinesiology and health education and to keep on wrestling.
Bennett Papendick
Linn-Mar Varsity Poms has been an important activity for Bennett because she spent a lot of time with the program and learned many lessons through her experience competing alongside other talented women.
Mental Health Matters club has also been a great experience for Bennett. Planning the suicide awareness night and other school events to raise awareness for mental health has been a great leadership opportunity for her.
Bennett’s favorite high school memory is performing at football games on Friday nights, she states, “I love how much school spirit our student section brings out and it is a lot of fun to cheer on the lions.”
Her advice for younger students: “Join as many activities/clubs as you can because it is a wonderful way to meet people who share common interests with you.”
Bennett’s plan after high school is to attend Georgia Tech on a pre-med track.
Eysen Pollard
During high school, Eysen found the greatest joy in the exciting world of the Linn-Mar Art Department. Whether allowed to compete nationally or by supporting classmates in their artistic endeavors, Eysen thrived.
Eysen says that “involvement with the yearbook has been a great way to learn about journalism and capturing wonderful pieces of photography of many different subjects. “Through the yearbook not only did I feel a part of the school community but also grew closer to peers whom I’d otherwise likely never interact with.”
Eysen’s favorite memory is within the Linn-Mar’s “Venture Academics” program. More specifically a student of Mr. Thilges’ graphic design and communications class. Eysen states that “Working with such a tight-knit group of talented peers, for more than 3 hours a day led us all to grow and become such a wonderful team.” “So many fantastic friendships and experiences happened within that class, and I can truly say I loved every single moment.”
Eysen’s advice to younger students is to “Embrace new experiences, whether it’s joining clubs, trying out for a sport or taking challenging classes. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make new friends. Teachers, counselors, and staff are all here to help you flourish and grow. Most importantly believe in yourself and make smart choices, it’s really easy to get carried away in the social correct that is high school drama. Stay true to your values, your high school experience is what you make of it. So, make sure it’s memorable and something to be proud of.”
Eysen’s plans after high school widely revolve around continuing to build upon my art and photography business! Working as a freelance artist and photographer where Eysen will sell my services to anyone interested in supporting a local independent artist.
Malcolm Rice
The activities that are most important to Malcolm are tennis and bowling. However, Malcolm says that tennis is more important to him because it has been a huge part of his life, and being a part of a team has created some of his favorite memories. One of his favorite memories from high school is when he took AP Environmental Science, and he looks fondly towards the “many adventures” he had in the class.
His advice to younger students is to be involved within the school and to try out new things. Malcolm also advises that you do have to “always appreciate a good teacher when you have one.”
Malcolm plans to attend the University of Wisconsin Stevens-Point to study Wildlife Ecology and Ecosystem Restoration.
Emily Ritze
The 4-H and FFA organizations have been the most important activities that Emily has been involved in throughout high school. She considers these two activities the most important because of the amazing people she has met along the way.
Emily states that one of her favorite memories from high school would have to be her Natural Resources and Ecology class. She says “It was a smaller class, but we grew very close and had a lot of fun, especially in outdoor labs.”
Her advice: “Be kind to everyone and choose to be happy!”
Emily will attend Iowa State University in the fall majoring in Animal Science.
Zachary Turner
The most important activities to Zachary were being on the Linn-Mar men’s varsity soccer team for 3 out of 4 years. Zach is also currently in an internship at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church where he had been spending time learning about the business side of church.
One of Zach’s favorite memories from high school is the night he found out that he had made the varsity men’s soccer team, Zach remembers “calling our starting keeper Nick Ahlers and we just celebrated with each other.” Zach says he will never forget that night and “The joy I felt knowing that all the work I had done the year prior wasn’t for nothing.”
His advice to younger students is to not wait until their junior or senior year to start putting effort in their classes and to take every elective course seriously because even though Zach believed that an elective “didn’t matter,” he now believes that to be further from the truth.
Zach plans to attend William Penn University and study theology or sociology, while also continuing his ministry work. With theology, Zach hopes to learn the backgrounds of different religions, not just his own. With sociology, Zach hopes to understand the aspects of different cultures and religions alike to further understand the different ways he can “build bridges between people where maybe there wasn’t a bridge built before.”
Dragon Zheng
Dragon has done many activities throughout high school. One activity he particularly enjoyed was a community service project, in which he helped make care packages for foster families. He loved that it helped strengthen our community and allowed him to develop new skills. The second was his multiyear project to get youth more civically engaged. “It was important for me, for youth to have a voice, they just have been unheard.” Dragon was also involved in ALO, Social Justice Club, Student Council, and many other clubs.
A memory from high school Dragon won’t forget was a time in Venture, when they took a trip to a wastewater treatment facility. He quotes, “It was NASTY!”
Dragon’s plans after high school are to move out-of-state. He is currently planning to go to UW-Madison to study business management and hopefully at some point transfer to the University of Pennsylvania.