OPERA Iowa Brings Little Red Riding Hood to Linn-Mar
Thanks to a grant from the Linn-Mar Foundation, Little Red Riding Hood and company paid a visit to all seven Linn-Mar elementary schools.
The eight-member OPERA Iowa troupe presented “Little Red’s Most Unusual Day” by John Davies.
It’s the story of Little Red, her mom, Forest Ranger Dudley, and that sneaky wolf as they discover why it’s important to always do the right thing.
The performers were met with very enthusiastic crowds across the district.
Bringing the show to Linn-Mar was certainly a team effort.
The Linn-Mar Foundation provided the financial support to make the OPERA Iowa performance an annual event.
Linn-Mar volunteers and PTO’s worked to provide support for the cast and crew.
Building administrators and music teachers coordinated the schedules and prepared the students for this special event.
Some schools declared it a “Fancy Day”. Students and staff were encouraged to “dress up” for the occasion.
In addition to the performance, older students attended theatrical workshops presented by the troupe. Wilkins Elementary Music Teacher Kris Peterson summed up the experience like this, “I’m so grateful our kids had the chance to have the opera come to them. This is a special kind of cultural experience. Way to go Linn-Mar Foundation!!“
OPERA Iowa is part of the Des Moines Metro Opera. It features young professionals from across the country who are committed to inspiring their audiences through quality, live theatrical experiences.