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Oak Ridge LEGO Blasters Impress Judges at State

The Oak Ridge LEGO Blasters are among three teams chosen from our region to advance in the LEGO League Global Innovation competition. Judges made the determination following last weekend’s state contest at Iowa State University. Twenty teams competed in that event.

Oak Ridge Lego Blasters team display their entry to judges

Oak Ridge Lego Blasters presenting their project at State Competition in Ames


The team now will prepare a blind application about the Ecommode urine-collecting toilet for submission in March.  They are now also in the process of filing a provisional patent for the toilet.

They will learn in April whether it has been selected to advance to national competition in San Jose, California, in June.

The Blasters also received the first place award for Overall Project during Saturday’s competition, out of 60 teams.  Members are Eli Norris, Sam Greiner, Braeden Dupree, Caiden Abbott, Anjali Addagarla, Jacob Yeareous, Joel Silcox, Zack Kendrick, Kaleb Wesselink, and Ethan Norris.

Members of the 2017-18 Oak Ridge Middle School LEGO balsters team and their water saving toliet

Oak Ridge LEGO Blasters give a presentation to explain their product to their classmates. This presentation took place last week prior to state competition

Congratulations, Oak Ridge LEGO Blasters!