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LMHS Student Council Fighting Food Insecurity

The Linn-Mar High School Student Council is sponsoring a fundraiser for the Hawkeye Area Community Assistance Program (HACAP). HACAP provides food and nutrition assistance to many people in our community.  

Hunger in our community is a very real problem.

  •         1 out of 4 kids in our community receive their only meal of the day at school.
  •         15% of Americans experience food insecurity.
  •         For every $1 donated, HACAP can buy $12 of food!

The Student Council has posed a challenge among 3rd block/5th period classes this week. Instead of a food drive, money is being collected! They are challenging every person in the High School to donate at least $1 toward the fundraiser. If they accomplish this goal, they could raise over $2400, which would allow HACAP to buy nearly $29,000 worth of food, or over 8 tons of food! Think of the difference that would make in our community!

The classroom that collects the most money will win a pizza party for their class. As an extra incentive, the top four classrooms will get to play in a dodgeball tournament with the winners also earning a pizza party.

If anyone in the community would like to donate to this project, donations can be dropped off at the High School’s 9th/10th or 11th/12th grade offices this week (Nov 13-17). Enter through doors 3 or 13. Checks can be made out to the HACAP Food Reservoir. Thank you for your support!