LM Schools Earn PBIS Recognition Honors
Linn-Mar is proud to announce that three of the district’s learning centers have been named Iowa PBIS Recognition Schools.
The annual designation by the Iowa Department of Education, recognizes schools for their work implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is a multi-tiered system of support for behavior and provides the framework for teachers to implement and monitor prevention and intervention practices.
PBIS has been shown to reduce major disciplinary infractions, reduce out-of-school suspension, improve prosocial behavior, improve academic achievement and improve school climate.
The schools are recognized at various levels as they implement PBIS practices.
Echo Hill and Novak Elementary each earned a Banner Level designation. Banner schools are sustaining universal PBIS systems and practices. Students are accessing interventions and over 50 percent are responding positively to the support. The Echo Hill and Novak teams engage families and staff, and use a daily progress report to progress monitor student response to additional supports. These two Linn-Mar schools are among only15 recognized statewide.
Excelsior Middle School is one of just 15 schools in the state to obtain a Banner Plus designation. Banner Plus teams are providing additional interventions to meet students’ needs. By engaging families and staff, Excelsior and all Banner Plus schools are able to show that 70 percent of students are responding positively to PBIS supports.
See the Iowa Department of Education’s complete list of recognized PBIS schools.
Congratulations to all the students, teachers, and staff who are working together to make PBIS a success at Linn-Mar!