LIONS Awards Announced-Reception May 1st
The winners of this year’s LIONS and Volunteer Awards were officially announced at Monday night’s Board of Education meeting.
The 2019 LIONS Awards recipients include:
Legend Award: Steve King, Instrumental Music Teacher-Excelsior
Innovator Award: Julie White, Special Education Teacher-Excelsior
Optimizer Award: Debra Barry, Teacher Leader-Instructional Coach
Newcomer Award: Amy Tristano, Spanish Teacher-Excelsior
Service Award: Todd Goodell, Academic Assistance Counselor-High School
Copy Center Technician Jeanne Kuempel was presented with the Lion Pride Award.
Instructional Coach Sheri Crandall received the Shirley Pantini Equity Award.
The Unsung Hero Award for outstanding volunteer service to the district was presented to Michelle Langston.

Pictured Left to Right: Jeanne Kuempel, Julie White, Amy Tristano, Debra Barry, Steve King, Michelle Langston and Todd Goodell. Not Pictured: Sheri Crandall
The winners will be recognized at the 2019 LIONS Awards and Volunteer Reception. on Wednesday, May 1st from 5 to 6 PM in the LRC boardroom. The public is invited and welcome to attend. Guests are asked to use the north entrance to the LRC. Enter the parking lot from 10th Street, near the high school’s electronic sign, and turn right.