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Lion Learning Sessions – 2025

Please join district leadership for spring sessions of Lion Learning.

These informational sessions are designed to bring our school district community together through discussion on a variety of topics. Whether you’re a parent, guardian, staff member, or community member, Lion Learning offers an opportunity to hear from representatives from our district and gain valuable insights into the initiatives, programs, and resources that shape our schools.

Lion Learning sessions will cover two topics in Spring, 2025.

County Property Tax Mailer
Date: Wednesday, March 26 at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Educational Leadership Center, 3556 Winslow Road, Marion
Details: This session is designed to help our community understand the property tax information they will be mailed from Linn County this spring. Content also will include an overview of how property taxes support our district.

Lion Learning “On the Road” —  Concepts for High School Indoor Activities Center
Dates: Tuesday, March 11, Tuesday, March 25 or Tuesday, April 8
(content will be the same in each session) from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Linn-Mar High School cafeteria, 3111 10th St., Marion
(enter through door 10 athletic entrance on the south side of the school)
Details: These sessions will include an opportunity to tour locker rooms, the weight room, the training room, equipment storage areas, and the wrestling room. The discussion will highlight challenges related to our current facilities and include suggestions for how the district might reimagine these and related areas.