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Linn-Mar Students Attend FFA Leadership Conferences

Ekta Nanda, Chase Krug, Ty Pree, and Chris Smith, members of the Linn-Mar FFA Chapter, recently attended various leadership conferences at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny. These conferences are an activity of the National FFA Organization made possible by title sponsor, Syngenta, as a special project of the National FFA Foundation.


A program offered specifically to 7th and 8th grade students — focuses on shifting the leadership focus from “me” to “we” while utilizing the FFA mission. Participants learned about emotional growth, opportunities in agriculture, and how to become a servant leader.


The temperature at which water boils — focuses on taking students to the boiling point of leadership. At 211° water is extremely hot, but just one more degree gets us to the next level. The one-day 212° Leadership Conference focused on student development and helps FFA members become aware of all aspects of personal growth. FFA members attended sessions on finding their passions and core virtues, decision-making, character, and building connections. Students leave this experience with a personal plan for self-improvement.


Takes students full circle in terms of chapter leadership. The one-day 360° conference is focused on the importance of vision and how to become a visionary leader. Students spent their time in sessions understanding the importance of having a vision for their chapter, setting goals, recruiting members, being persistent, and tracking success. Students leave this conference with the necessary understanding and skills to be a person of influence in the chapters and communities.