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Linn-Mar Offers Wraparound Daycare Option at Preschool Site for 2025-26

As announced during the February 24, 2025 meeting, Linn-Mar Community School District will partner with Hand in Hand Early Care & Education Center to provide preschool wraparound daycare services at Linn Grove Elementary for the 2025-26 school year.

Linn-Mar offers free preschool for children who turn four years of age on or before September 15th of each school year. Both morning and afternoon half-day sessions are offered through the Linn-Mar Little Lions preschool program in 4 of our 7 elementary buildings. Based on the interest of our families, the district also will offer on-site daycare before and after school at Linn Grove Elementary for a limited number of Little Lions preschool families for the 2025-26 school year. The district will evaluate the program at the conclusion of the academic year as it considers potentially offering on-site wraparound care again in the future at Linn Grove or other locations.

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