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Linn-Mar follows updated CDC guidelines

Last week the Center for Disease Control announced changes to quarantine guidelines and, subsequently, Linn County Public Health followed suit. These changes offer options to shorten the 14-day quarantine period; with a few alternatives. Therefore, Linn-Mar will also revise our quarantine guidelines with a few exceptions to be consistent with our local authorities on COVID-19.

Beginning today, Friday, December 11th, the following quarantine exposure guidelines will be in place:

  • Quarantine can end after day 10 of exposure without testing AND if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring.
    • Resume normal activities on day 11;
    • Quarantine begins on the last day of contact with the infected individual; and
    • If the close contact develops symptoms, begin isolation procedures for individuals with confirmed OR suspected COVID.

*Per CDC data, this strategy has a residual post-quarantine transmission risk estimated to be about 1% with an upper limit of about 10%.

  • Quarantine will remain 14 days for those who must quarantine together with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (Ex: same household, etc.) IF the quarantined employee can isolate away from the positive case.  Isolation in this case must consist of:
    • Positive person and quarantined person are physically separated (separate closed rooms or closed areas)


    • Each person has exclusive use of their own bathroom.

* If the above are not possible, quarantine will start over from the end of the positive case’s isolation period.