Linn-Mar FFA Compete at Leadership Development Contests

LMHS FFA District Group
Ten members of the Linn-Mar FFA Chapter participated in the Southeast Sub-district Contests on Monday, February 20, 2017. The Western Dubuque FFA Chapter hosted the competition. First and second place individuals and teams advanced to the district-level competition which was hosted by the Monticello FFA Chapter on Saturday, March 11th.
Ekta Nanda has advanced in the Job Interview Career Development Event and Chase Krug advanced in the Extemporaneous Speaking Career Development Event. Addison Crow Schrader was an alternate in the Ag Sales CDE. Nanda earned a gold rating. Krug and Crow Schrader earned silver ratings.
Seth Crow Schrader placed second in the Greenhand FFA Quiz Contest and Jeret Crow Schrader placed 10th in the Chapter FFA Quiz Contest. Both earned a gold rating and will compete in the district competition.
Members of the parliamentary procedure team were Mirannda Schneider-Kettelkamp, Cayce Gudenkauf, Savanna Francis, Caitlin Hagen and Lauren Michels. Each member took a turn being the chairperson during the demonstration and the remaining time they were a part of the assembly performing the steps of five different parliamentary procedure abilities. Abilities performed included main motion, suspend the rules, lay from the table, rise to a point of order and refer to a committee. The group earned a bronze rating.
Congratulations to all contestants on doing their best!