Information Regarding Student Medication at School
If your student will need to take medication at school this year, each school building is having a specific drop off time for parents/guardians to drop them at their child’s school. Please bring any medications your student will need at school this year, including daily medications, as needed medication, Epi-pens and inhalers, and the completed medication permission form (link below) to your child’s school.
Per Linn-Mar Community School District policy, parents are required to drop-off and pick-up medication from school. We will not accept medications brought in by students. Due to new Covid-19 regulations parents will not be allowed to enter the buildings without an appointment during this school year. If this date does not work for you to drop off your student’s medications, please contact your school nurse to set up an alternative time.
School | Date/Time | Instructions | Contact |
Indian Creek | September 11, 2020
7:00am-2:00pm |
Stay in vehicle and call 319-447-3273 when you arrive.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Marilyn Calcara
319-447-3273 |
Wilkins | September 11, 2020
7:00am-2:00pm |
Stay in vehicle and call 319-447-3385 when you arrive.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Marilyn Calcara
319-447-3385 |
Novak | September 11, 2020
8:00am-2:00pm |
Stay in vehicle and call 319-447-3304 when you arrive.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Anna Strand
319-447-3304 |
Linn Grove | September 11, 2020
7:00am-2:00pm |
Stay in vehicle and call 319-730-3504 when you arrive.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Marilyn Calcara
319-730-3504 |
Westfield | September 11, 2020
8:00am-2:00pm |
Stay in vehicle and call 319-447-3356 when you arrive.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Anna Strand
319-447-3356 |
Bowman Woods | September 11, 2020
8:00am-2:00pm |
Stay in vehicle and call 319-447-3243 when you arrive.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Anna Strand
319-4473243 |
Echo Hill | September 10th 7:30am-1:30pm | Bring completed medicated medication form | Abbi Riniker
319-447-3082 |
Boulder Peak | September 10, 2020
8:00am-2:30pm |
Use the main entrance of the school.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Cami Martin
319-200-1705 |
Hazel Point | Contact Health Office to schedule an appointment. | Bring completed medicated medication form | K’Dean Dunwald
319-200-1605 |
Excelsior Middle School | September 9, 2020
8:00am-2:30pm |
Use the main entrance of the school.
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Cami Martin
319-200-1705 |
Oak Ridge Middle School | September 9, 2020
Contact Health Office to schedule an appointment. |
Bring completed medicated medication form | K’Dean Dunnwald
319447-3416 |
Linn-Mar High School, COMPASS, ATLAS | September 11, 2020 7:30am-3:30pm | Drive up to Door 3 and look for Drop Off Station
Bring completed medicated medication form |
Nancy Kleitsch
319-447-3080 Abbi Riniker 319-447-3080 |