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Hazel Point Gives Back: 13,615 Items to Waypoint Services

Thanks to the generosity of families, teachers, and staff at Hazel Point Intermediate, the first annual “Hazel Point Gives Back” community service project was a huge success! Over a two-week period, from November 8th through the 18th, the 5th and 6th graders brought in donations of personal hygiene and bathroom items along with new and gently used stuffed animals.

The 5th and 6th graders were challenged to see which grade could donate the most.  Final tabulations are underway. The class with the most donations will receive a free pizza/soda party courtesy of the building principal Mr. Buchholz

The event was coordinated by Barry Whitson, Hazel Point Physical Education teacher, who was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming response. “It is all about giving this time of year and Hazel Point kids and staff are simply the best!!” said Whitson. 

The donated items were presented to the Waypoint Services-Madge Phillips Center. The center provides safe, supportive shelter to women and families with children.