Football Players Return to Entertain Senior Citizens
We recently shared how Summit Pointe Senior Living came to the rescue when our 9th-grade football team needed a place to hold their team banquet when it was rained out in October. During the banquet at Summit Pointe, the players and senior living tenants bonded and had an enjoyable evening. The interaction left good feelings in everyone’s hearts and created unexpected relationships.
Fast forward to December. Some of the football players returned and surprised the tenants during their holiday party. They put on a little show for the group and their families. The students dressed up as holiday characters, including the Grinch. The Grinch went in and caused “mass chaos” in the dining room and the other characters chased them down and saved the party.
The tenants loved it and the students stood for photos and stayed in character as family members of all ages took pictures. Thanks to the students, Harrison Schuett, Jack Dotson, Terrell White, Warren Sickels, Charlie Tuchel, Noah Howk-Erwin, and Grady Ross for making the day extra special for some well-deserving community members.
It proves once again, We ALL are Linn-Mar!