Excelsior Students Make Blankets For Good Cause
From January through March, Mr. McAndrew, Mrs. Dostal, Mrs. Starmer, and Mrs. Mullnix’s OCM students worked on tie blankets to donate to babies at area hospitals. In total, the students created 34 blankets! The project is a great service opportunity for our students. Due to the tremendous amount of support for this act of giving, the group intends to hold this service project again next year. If you’d be interested in joining, please contact Mrs. Mullnix at cmullnix@linnmar.k12.ia.us.
Mrs. Mullnix’s students: Jacqueline Anderson, Jordyn Beck, Ayden Bettcher, Seth Blackford, Larissa Cleveland, Katherine Denner, Donovan Dopheide, Dathan Endecott, Sha’Cari Fleming-Brown, Zachary Galloro, Lily Haas, Kylee Harford, Jami Rodriguez, Steven Sanks, Sid Stinson-Barrett, and Jaxon Wiebold
Mr. McAndrew’s students: Otto Aarhus, Caleb Hockett, Sabyn Jones, Alex Kaalberg, Meredith Koenen, Zoelle Kubik, Carter Lampe, Aidan Mesch, Kaleb Ramsey, Cailey Schroer-Hagmeier, Grace Selfridge, William Shaheen, Madison Van Genderen, and Austin Vandersee
Mrs. Dostal’s students: Tristan Arnold, Tyler Becker, Avery Bierman, Reece Boothe, Sylene Brizard, Matt Buse, Sydney Carsello, Connor Deahl, Carly Drey, Hayden Fay Brandt, Emily Fredin, William Grant, Kiaya Hahn, Samantha Haumesser, Matthew McCarthy
Mrs. Starmer’s students: Paige Baxter, Alaina Beck, Risston Buehler, Lane Jacques, Kamryn Kramer, Lidia Kramer, Matthias Marasch, Jacob Maurer, Owen Olmstead, Bradyn Pilkerton, Carly Schrum, and Tyler Tiefel
Great job Linn-Mar!