Previewing Concepts for a High School Indoor Activities Center
Members of the Linn-Mar community are invited to learn more about the need for additional activity space and other updates at the high school.
Background Information
Addressing needs at our high school has been part of the Linn-Mar facilities planning process for years. The district’s facilities planning efforts first included discussions about additional high school indoor activity space, improved locker rooms and a larger weight room in early 2010 when updates were made to the high school, but the district prioritized other updates at that time. These needs resurfaced again in 2015 but were prioritized behind district needs for classroom space at the intermediate and high school levels.
Earlier this year stakeholders including parents, coaches and staff provided the district with updated input on space needs at the high school as it related to indoor activities and other related spaces. A subset of the stakeholder group also toured similar districts/facilities across Iowa to benchmark other similar facilities. The feedback from this group was provided to OPN Architects to create conceptual plans that might help the district address these needs. Members of the district’s board finance and audit committee also have talked about options for the district to financially support a potential indoor activities center and related improvements.
Learning More About the Concepts
The public is invited to see these concepts and learn more about these improvements by attending Lion Learning “On the Road” — Concepts for High School Indoor Activities Center sessions. These sessions include tours our current high school spaces and an opportunity to hear from representatives from our district about the proposed projects.
Have Additional Questions?
Individuals who are unable to attend a session can access a recording of a previous Lion Learning “On the Road” session, answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the project, and see the architectural concepts online.