AP Exam Sign Up Deadline is February 27th
Students taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses need to sign up for their AP tests.
Sign up is from Thursday, February 27th to Friday, March 8th from 7:45 AM to 12:30 PM.
To sign up for an AP exam:
- Go to the cashier’s office to pay the $15 ordering fee for each AP test you plan to take. Please make checks payable to Linn-Mar Community Schools.
- Take your receipt and order form from the cashier’s office to the TAG office (room J202) to sign up for the AP test(s) you would like to take in May.
- On the day of the test, you will pay $70 (payable to Linn-Mar Community Schools) per test at the testing site. The $15 was paid to order the test + $70 at the test site = $85 for each AP test. Students who receive free/reduced lunch pay a reduced fee.
Exam windows are May 6-10 and May 13-17.
Learn more at the AP Central website.