In accordance with guidance from community leaders and state public…
School Lunch Provided During Closure
We understand the acute needs of our families who rely…
School Board Adopts Temporary Measures Regarding Virus
The Linn-Mar Board of Education met in special session via…
Reminder: L-M Libraries Provide Online Resources for Kids
The Linn-Mar Teacher-Librarians remind you that their online resources are…
Community Resources Available for Linn-Mar Families
There is a wide variety of community, state and federal…
Linn-Mar Closure Update March 18, 2020
As you all know, the COVID-19 pandemic situation is changing…
Additional Online Academic Resources
The Linn-Mar Teaching and Learning Department has assembled a collection…
District Academic Resources
High School – Middle – Elementary. The Linn-Mar Teaching and…
Linn-Mar to Close for Four Weeks
Upon discovery of the existence of substantial community spread of…
Talking to Children about the Coronavirus
The National Association of School Nurses and the National Association…