The State of Iowa would like to learn from you…
K-8 Summer Athletic Camps Canceled
All Linn-Mar Athletic Camps for kids in grades K-8 have…
Plan for Retrieving Student Items
The Linn-Mar administration, in cooperation with state and county health…
Linn-Mar Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week, Linn-Mar! Linn-Mar Community School District Board…
School Board Recognition Month
All this month we recognize our school board members for…
Grade Promotion for PK-8 Students
All students, Pre-K through 8th grade, will move on to…
Frequently Asked Questions: 4th Quarter 2020
We hope to answer all of your questions – as…
Linn-Mar Board Extends Temporary Measures Due to COVID-19
The Linn-Mar Board of Education met for its regularly scheduled…
National Volunteer Week
Especially now, we look to the helpers. The medical staff,…
Linn-Mar Buildings Closed for Remainder of School Year
On April 17, 2020 Governor Kim Reynolds announced that Iowa…