Join us as we celebrate the most important meal of…
Nominate Now for the 2021 LIONS Awards
Linn-Mar Community School District’s Recognition and Awards Program serves to…
LM School Board Voices Opposition to Legislative Proposal
The Linn-Mar School Board has approved a resolution voicing opposition…
Preschool and ECBP Registration 2021-2022
Little Lions Preschool Registration Registration for the 2021-2022 Little Lions…
Register Now for Fall Kindergarten!
The new school year will be here before you know…
Application for Online Families Returning to In-Person Learning
Parents, if your student is currently learning totally online (Family…
General Weather Guidelines
Click here for the most current information for general weather…
Superintendent’s Lion Learning – January 19th
Please join Superintendent Shannon Bisgard as he hosts an open discussion…
3rd Quarter Update for Online Only Families
If your student is currently learning totally online (family choice…
Linn-Mar Robotics Team Collects 1500 Pounds of Food
The Linn-Mar High School Robotics team hosted a Drive-Thru Food…