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High School Student Assistance Program

The Linn-Mar High School Student Assistance Program offers prevention programs, support groups, short-term counseling, and crisis intervention services. Recommendations for additional services and referrals may also be provided.

If you are interested in any support services provided by the high school Student Assistance Program, contact a Student Assistance Specialist or any Student Assistance Team member.

High School Student Assistance Program Mission:

  • Completion of high school
  • Provide services addressing at-risk behaviors
  • Prevent substance misuse
  • Provides mental health support and information about community-based and 24/7 counseling services

High School Student Assistance Program Contacts:

Kevin McCauley
Student Assistance Counselor
(319) 447-3047 / Email

Provides individual counseling for at-risk behaviors, a safe place for substance use screenings, and education about personal life issues. Referrals for service may come from any source.

Joyce Booth
Student Assistance Counselor
(319) 892-4884 / Email

Provides assistance to students struggling with issues such as attendance, peer relationships, no secure post-high school plans, minority student support, and students with a history in foster care. Referrals for service may come from any source.

Jessica Deahl
Student Assistance Counselor
(319) 730-3559 / Email

Supports students, groups, and families on a variety of life issues, particularly mental health related. Support may include counseling, support groups, education, or referral. Referrals for service may come from any source.

Tony Nicol
Student Assistance Counselor
(319) 447-3073 / Email

Provides academic support to students struggling to pass their courses and earn the necessary credits to meet graduation requirements. Referrals may come from any source.

  • Credit Completion – Students ending a term with a grade ranging from 55-59% can still earn a D- by completing coursework
  • Credit Recovery – Students may earn credits through online courses and/or the Work Experience Program
  • Credit Accumulation – An alternative setting is provided for students to take courses via the COMPASS Program

Danielle Patterson
Student Assistance Counselor
(319) 447-3059 / Email

Provides academic support to students struggling to pass their courses and earn the necessary credits to meet graduation requirements. Referrals may come from any source.

  • Credit Completion – Students ending a term with a grade ranging from 55-59% can still earn a D- by completing coursework
  • Credit Recovery – Students may earn credits through online courses and/or the Work Experience Program
  • Credit Accumulation – An alternative setting is provided for students to take courses via the COMPASS Program


Shawn Knighton,
Family Resource Specialist
(319) 730-3633 / Email

Provides direct services to families in the Linn-Mar Community School District regarding at-risk issues, as well as a liaison with parents and community resources.


High School Student Assistance Team:

This team, which consists of staff members, can assist students who voluntarily contact them for support, information, and resources in a confidential manner. Any students needing additional counseling will be referred to one of the Student Assistance Specialists or an outside agency/professional.

Name Title
Corey Brinkmeyer Business Teacher
Jordan Printy Social Studies Teacher
Lisa Schumacher Academic Teacher
Kyle Hoffman Science Teacher
Tracy Hopkins English Teacher
Kathleen Kelley English Teacher
Nancy Kleitsch LMHS Nurse
Jennifer Tiede Band Teacher
Lisa Loftin Spanish Teacher
Trent Buglewicz Vocal Music Teacher
Candice Mullnix English Teacher
Jeanne Turner Psychology Teacher
Amanda Kloser English Teacher
Sarah Mollman English Teacher
Chelsi Snead Health Teacher
Kelsey Epner French Teacher
Lee Kibbie English Teacher
Kourtney Albright Compass Teacher
Chelsey Dill English Teacher
Stephanie Merritt Health Teacher
Angie White Art Teacher
Malory Torres Health Teacher


Clubs Sponsored by Student Assistance

  • Lean On Me – A presentation group that addresses social for grades 5-7 students.
  • SODA (Students Opposed to Drugs and Alcohol)- A social activity group leading activities within the school/district.
  • TRY (Teens Reaching Youth)- A group that provides education about productive, healthy lifestyles for K-8 students.
  • ALO (Accountability, Leadership and Opportunity) – A group centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion with a focus on Accountability, Leadership and Opportunities.
  • BSU– The Black Student Union fosters cultural pride, promotes academic success, and encourages social awareness among students through various events and initiatives.
  • Mental Health Matters– A student-led group that develops activities and events to raise awareness about mental health, ensure student are aware of school and community based resources, including 24/7 support and crisis services, and strive to reduce the stigma around mental health.

Traumatic Event Response Plan:

The high school Student Assistance Team facilitates the building Crisis Plan in the event of a traumatic event.

James E. Purtell Award:

This award is selected by the high school Student Assistance Team. The Purtell Award is presented to a senior who has made notable personal growth since entering high school.

Wildcat Closet, Prom Closet, and PRIDE Food Pantry :

Collected quality clothing, school supplies, and non-perishable food items for high school students who are in need. All items are free to students.


Shawn Knighton for the PRIDE Food Pantry

Jessica Deahl for the Wildcat Closet

Kevin McCauley for the Prom Closet

Mikula Reception:

A graduation reception for selected students who have overcome significant living obstacles.