Elementary and Intermediate Schools Student Assistance Program
The Linn-Mar Elementary and Intermediate Schools’ Student Assistance Program provides preventive service to students and families.
Areas of focus include:
- Social emotional intervention programs
- Community resources
- Crisis support services
- Individual support to students
- Support for parents and families
- Supporting implementation of Character Strong (including bullying prevention) and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) within buildings
Elementary Student Assistance Specialists: Katie Little and Tammy DeVries are available for individual and small group counseling support and education for students for a variety of life issues in a confidential format.
Katie Little (319) 200-1673/ Email
Tamara DeVries at (319) 447-3436 / Email
Intermediate Student Assistance Specialist: For support at the Intermediate Level, please contact one the building school counselors.
Family Resource Specialist: Shawn Knighton provides direct services to families in the Linn-Mar Community School District regarding at-risk issues, as well as a liaison with parents and community resources.
Shawn Knighton at (319) 730-3633/ Email.
At-Risk Programs: Provide additional opportunities for student to engage in school activities.
Mentor Program: The elementary mentoring program consists of staff members being paired with elementary students, as well as high school students being paired with elementary students.
Community Connections: Provides parents/guardians with needed resources and referrals within our community.