Teaching & Learning
Student Success Framework
At Linn-Mar we believe the following practices can increase student achievement:
- All students can learn
- All students can benefit from adults understanding the needs of the whole child through understanding of social-emotional health and student safety/security.
- All students will have multiple ways to access a guaranteed and viable curriculum
- All students can achieve at high levels through high-quality instructional practices.
High Reliability Framework
Linn-Mar has a goal for each school to reach level three certification in the High Reliability Schools Framework shown below.
The Marzano High Reliability Schools framework does not add a new initiative to school efforts. Many schools are already implementing a wide range of effective initiatives, and many educators are already practicing research-based strategies. The HRS framework does not replace professional learning communities, the Art and Science of Teaching framework, teacher evaluation and development, sound curriculum (including those aligned with the Common Core State standards), vocabulary instruction, instruction in critical thinking and reasoning skills, formative assessment, standards-based grading and reporting systems, or student mastery systems.
Instead, this framework shows how best practices work together and provide indicators to empower districts and schools to measure their progress on attaining five increasing levels of reliability:
Using the framework and indicators, districts and schools can drive permanent, positive, and significant impacts on student achievement by synthesizing multiple complex initiatives into one harmonious system.
Contact information:
Nathan Wear
Associate Superintendent Secondary Level Learning & Chief Academic Officer
(319) 447-3028 / Email
Terri Mohler
Administrative Assistant to the Associate Superintendents
(319) 447-3014 / Email
Address: 3556 Winslow Road, Marion, IA 52302
Fax: (319) 403-8002
Karla Ries
Director of Elementary Teaching & Learning
Office located at Boulder Peak Intermediate
(319) 447-3013 / Email
Erica Rausch
Director of Intermediate/Middle School Teaching & Learning
Office located at Excelsior Middle School
(319) 730-3548 / Email
Mark Hutcheson
Director of High School Teaching & Learning, Director of Venture Academics,
and Administrator of the Homeschool Assistance Program
(319) 447-3236 / Email
Kathryn Church / Rebekah Pfeil
Homeschool Teachers/Facilitators
Office located at Hazel Point Intermediate
(319) 730-3626 / Email
Heather Kosikas
Curriculum Secretary
(319) 447-3015 / Email