Community Engagement
Mrs. Angela Burke
Community Relations Coordinator
Phone: (319) 447-3110 / Email
Address: 3556 Winslow Road, Marion, IA 52302
Volunteer and Community Involvement:
Parents, grandparents, and community members are offered various opportunities to become involved in our schools. Linn-Mar volunteers assist in the classroom, read with students, chaperone field trips, lead fundraisers, prepare learning materials, and support the schools and staff with their time. The impact of their time is seen in the individual attention for our students, the special events that they coordinate, and building a school climate where parents and our staff are partners.
Learn more about our volunteer program here.
Parent Learning & Communication Opportunities:
Parents are encouraged to learn more about the district by attending Lion Learning sessions hosted by our Superintendent. Lion Learning opportunities are typically hosted a couple of times each year.
Information on upcoming sessions will be posted on the Linn-Mar website homepage approximately two weeks in advance of the scheduled date.