Website Accessibility
The Linn-Mar Community School District incorporates website accessibility standards into the design and maintenance of our website to ensure accessibility for all people regardless of ability or method of access.
What we are doing with accessibility?
To help make our website a positive place for everyone, we’ve been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities and user-friendly for everyone. The guidelines have three levels of accessibility (A, AA and AAA). We’ve chosen Level AA as the target for our website and Level A for video/multimedia captioning.
How are we doing with accessibility?
We’ve worked hard on our website and continue to work toward achieving our goal of Level A/AA accessibility. We monitor the website regularly to maintain this goal. If you do find any problems, please contact us by emailing or calling us at 319-447-3005.
Please include the following in your message and we will contact you to accommodate your needs:
- The problem you experienced
- The URL (web address) of the page you experienced difficulties with
- Your contact information: name, email address and phone number
Grievances related to Section 504, Title II, or other formal grievances can be filed with the district using the procedure outlined in Board Policy 105.1-E1 – Notice of Non-Discrimination.
Where can you get additional accessibility help?
Most popular browsers and plug-ins contain built-in accessibility tools and features. For more information, please visit the accessibility information pages for these tools:
- Google Accessibility for Chrome Browser
- Microsoft Accessibility for Internet Explorer Browser
- Accessibility Information for the Firefox Browser
- Accessibility Information for Adobe PDF Reader
In addition, we support keyboard-only navigation and assistive screen reader technology from JAWS, NVDA, and Apple VoiceOver.
Do you want more information on accessibility?
If you want to learn more about website accessibility, here is a short primer to get you up-to-speed:
Guidelines for accessible teacher/staff pages
Cheatsheets from the National Center on Disability and Access to Education
Americans with Disabilities Act
Section 508:
The Section 508 amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. Section 508 was adopted in 2001, and includes technical standards that cover the accessibility of web content.
Section 508 does not apply to local government or private websites unless they are receiving federal funds or are under contract with a federal agency, but many local governments have adopted Section 508 for their accessibility standard. There is currently a pending proposal for Section 508 standards to conform to WCAG 2.0 standards.