District Facts
Linn-Mar Community School District Information
- 7 Elementary Schools
- Bowman Woods
- Echo Hill
- Indian Creek
- Linn Grove
- Novak
- Westfield
- Wilkins
- 2 Intermediate Schools
- Boulder Peak
- Hazel Point
- 2 Middle Schools
- Excelsior
- Oak Ridge
- 1 High School
- Linn-Mar High School (includes Compass and Success Center)
- 7,391 students (2,830 elementary, 1135 intermediate, 1134 middle school, and 2,255 high school)
- 1,180 employees
- 437 teachers with advanced degrees
- 21.0 average class size (K-4th);
- 3,235 eligible bus riders transported by 66 buses and 15 vans
- 1:1 student/computer ratio
- 1050 volunteers giving 12,705 hours of time
- 839,072 lunches served this year
School Profile:
- 92.08% Attendance Rate (9-12)
- 93.6% Graduation Rate
- Race/Ethnicity: 76.9% White, 7.0% Asian, 5.5% Multi-Racial, 5.4% Black or African American, 5.0% Hispanic/Latino(a); 0.3% Other
- 2.5% of students are English Language Learners (ELL)
- 10.9% of students have IEP’s
- 21.4% of students are eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch
- 520 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams taken; 81% of AP scores were over 3
- $154,873,545 Total Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
- $99,597,114 General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year 2022
- $101,239,182 General Fund Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2022
- District Tax Rate (per $1,000 assessed value) is $18.01